

Got questions? Perhaps you can find the answers here. Otherwise, feel free to contact us!

Frequently Asked Questions

Orders are usually processed within minutes after payment. In some cases, orders are flagged for manual review, which extend the processing time. 

All of our hosting packages comes with Softaculous script installer, which makes installing over 300 scripts a breeze, including WordPress and popular E-commerce scripts.

Yes! All of our servers are equipped with Litespeed Webserver .

Of course. You can at any time upgrade or downgrade your existing plan. You can do this from your client panel. If you need assistance feel free to contact our billing department.

Sure! Reach out to our billing department and we’ll see what we can offer.

Yes! All of our servers come with free DDOS protection.

Yes. We have a 45-day money back guarantee. No questions asked! However, if you are unsatisfied with your service we’d like to hear how we can improve ourselves.

We do not strictly enforce bandwidth limits. However, if you repeatedly go beyond your allocated bandwidth we will contact you to see if you need to upgrade your plan. Abuse of resources will get you suspended.

Currently we have servers in following locations: Germany, Luxembourg, Las Vegas, Dallas and Florida.